Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Intuition, Interpreting Intent and Other Survival Skills We Forgot About.

Do you know why most human beings fail at interactions, have more frenemies than real friends on their Facebook or are just floating through life not exactly knowing what the hell is going? Have you ever asked why some people view themselves as CEOs of their lives and others barely hold the entry position and dream of quitting? I've always believed that what sets apart those that are always in a jam, are always in the midst of a breakup or falling out or are routinely writing their next melodramatic Facebook post (have you ever noticed that most start off with, "I really don't like sharing my personal life here but..." is lack of intuition for the latter group.

In other words, we have not taken the time to master the art of being intuitive. We are whizes at texting while exporting that excel sheet you have been working on for the last hour for your boss (while simultaneously liking your friend's penguin kissing vid on Facebook). We are pros at deciding and voicing our opinion at which actor we think should have played Batman and lastly we have become experts in deciphering things that are pretty obvious and are right there in front of our eyes. For example, that person who snubbed and didn't even look your way as you gave them your famous smiley, "Hey doll!" Yeah they don't like you. But what about when things are not as transparent? What about those that are happy to see you but you constantly get bad vibes off? (Question: are vibes still a thing? Answer: Yes)

Speaking of which, I have always found myself attracted to the hotheads. Not because I feel they get my fiery, European "Everything is a big deal, people!" side but because I've always felt that if shit was ever gonna go down, they'd be the first to tell me. A hothead will look at you and probably tell you, "Okay, I'm gonna go off on you right now and this is why." The non-hot heads will play coy, pretend everything is good, routinely admit, "It's all good" (insert fake smiley emoticon) but deep inside you know it isn't. And yet that little voice that says it isn't we often silence. 

We have become so dependent on sheer actions that we silence whatever motherboard inside is trying to send the following message, "Stop, what you are seeing in front of you is not reality. Please act accordingly." We have become so focused on the physical and the tangible that we forgot that things are seldom as they appear. The tangible and the physical does not always represent the truth.   

Transcribing peoples' intent (not what they say or do but what they really want to say and do) is, in my opinion, the most important survival tactic that one can develop. What do people really mean? What do they really want from you? Are they actually happy to see you do well? Who actually smiles when you post something terrific that has just happened to you? Who actually suppresses that human inborn characteristic to feel bitterness and who tries to curb their natural urge to be competitive but is actually happy that you are happy?

We have forgotten to pay attention to not only the actions but what they didn't say; what they didn't do and take that all into account when deciding how to go about interacting with them. Honing your intuitive skills will allow you to notice the small things they didn't want you to notice; they didn't want you to see. Seeing through the facade, the many "likes", what lies beneath the vale, is how one will decrease their pain and make time for those that truly wish them the best. 

If you think that I am advocating for one to solely listen to what feels good, you are wrong. Being intuitive and listening to your heart are two different things. Sometimes the heart leads you to places that you do not belong in. The heart may put you in arms that are not meant to hold you and the heart may put you in situations that bruise your intuition and make you second guess yourself. Intuition, unlike the heart, is a mix of emotion and brain; its rooted in the balance of what feels right and what is right. If it were a parent, unlike the heart that loves you unconditionally and cant punish you when you cut curfew and act out, intuition sees all (the good, the bad and the anticipated actions to come) and decides the course of action using that criteria. Unlike the heart, that will make you stay when your brain has a thousand reasons to leave, intuition just inherently knows that it must leave. 

Being intuitive and seeing true intent is not something that WikiHow can teach you (pictures wont help either) but rather is inside every one of us at all times. The longer you spent your life silencing that little voice (it turned out to be not so little after all), the longer it will take for it to start speaking up again and helping you on your journey. Imagine if you were a kid sitting in the classroom (front row mind you) and you knew the answers to the questions but were silenced and told you were wrong every time you wanted to give your response. With that said, be patient if it takes some time for it to speak up again but it will. How can it not? It is there to be heard. Your intuitive voice is wiser than you will ever be. It sees more than you are ever able to and is there to guide us through life and make sure that the ones by your side are the ones that belong there and the places you are you are meant to be in at that point in time. 

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