Sunday, September 29, 2013

Two people will look at one picture and see two different images and the same can be said with this self-made meme. As all things in this blog, you are allowed, no, you are encouraged to read it and take from it what you want. Reconstruct my words, turn it all around, make them yours. Feel free to interpret this meme as you see fit but if you must know this image is my response to the plethora of very positive statuses and images that self proclaimed "new agers" or everyday folks post almost daily on social media. The question remains though: do these well-wishers live by an entirely different set of rules in their own “real” lives? Do they practice what they virtually preach? I need only to log into my Facebook and see a splash of encouraging statuses and shared images of the Dalai Lama to see that yes indeed people wish me, you and everyone around them love, peace and tranquility but how accurate and realistic is all this bombardment of positive thinking? Above all though, how much of what these so called neo-hippies preach is actually practiced? Even more interesting, what is the "blocking" activity of these do-gooders? You would think none, right? I personally have noticed that there is an increasing tendency to view any form of non-agreement as "negative" energy that needs to be dispelled and rid of immediately. Better yet, some are even labeled as "toxic" beings that need to be virtually erased. I wont disagree that some people are not meant to be friends but I will however argue that the term "toxic" is overused and at times can be seen as justification in the fight to silence those who do not agree with us.

Lets dissect the word blocking for a minute and look at it in its defined form. 

To block: 
  1. The action or process of obstructing movement, progress, or activity, in particular.
  2. Obstructing or impeding the actions of an opponent
If that does not yell out "I am passive aggressive" I am not sure what does. 

I for one do not have a single person on my block list in any of the social media accounts that I own. Is it because no one has ever said anything I have taken offense to? Is it because no one has ever upset me or made me angry? Not at all. Quite the opposite actually. So why have I never used that oh so tempting block button? Is it my above average patience? Is it the fact that I can deal with conflict and confrontation? Or is it because I have somewhat of an abnormal level of tolerance for people? Its a mixture of all three but at the core its because I believe that we all suffer from what I like to call "relapse in character" or maybe we are just having a really bad day, week, month. Or maybe we are just misunderstood. Blocking is saying, "I am taking away your right to ever contact me, Goodbye!" If they ever wanted to come back and apologize, should you not give them that right? Would you not want that right if the roles were reversed?  

At the end of the day this post is not intended to make a mockery of the actions of a certain group in society but rather is a call to action to think before you block. If you are truly about love and inclusion and above all, acceptance of others than there is so such thing as toxic people but rather only those who need that extra bit of time and understanding.

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