Monday, March 4, 2019

Fuck Anybody Who Has Ever Hurt You

Fuck Anybody Who Has Ever Hurt You

Get them the fuck out of your life ASAP.

Show them the door without a fuckin explanation because you don’t really owe them one. The only person you owe anything to is yourself. You owe that person happiness and peace.

Fuck anybody who is in your life but doesn’t truly wish you the best. In fact they wish you harm. They might be at your shows. They might even be at your birthday party.

Fuck the users who just want something from you.

Fuck the haters who talk shit but have never so much as shared a meal or a conversation with you. Get the fuck out of my space and don’t smile when you see me.

Fuck the jealous who secretly envy and hate that they’ll never be you. Ask them if they envy you, they’ll never admit it. Fuck them the most. They are the most dangerous. They secretly smile when things go wrong in your life. Never to your face though. Fuck them.

Fuck anybody who you opened up about your trauma and they turned around and did the same thing.

Fuck anybody who you showed you trusted and they turned around and fucked you over.

Fuck anybody who tells you little jabs here and there that make you feel less than. You’ll turn around and you’ll say, "'That hurt, why did you say that?''' and they’ll turn around and say, ''Don’t be so sensitive.'' Fuck them. The next time you are having taking food porn pics or a selfie and somebody makes a little jab tell them to go fuck themselves and to mind their own business.

Fuck anybody who doesn’t think you are fuckin amazing exactly as you are.

Fuck anybody who makes you feel that you are not living your life the right way or call you dumb because your life is different than theirs.

Live at home and you have a friend that makes you feel bad that you do. Tell them to go fuck themselves.

Working at a job just to get by and somebody criticizes you and makes you feel less than, tell them to go fuck themselves.

Not married and no kids and somebody has the audacity to tell you you are living your life wrong, tell them to go fuck themselves twice. Once is not enough for this type of person.

Fuck Anybody Who Has Ever Hurt You.

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